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Ways of Getting Rid of Facial Hair


Being a woman and having facial hair is not a proper expression. The hair on your legs is ok; underarm hair can sometimes be tolerated, but the hair on the face can never be given space. You have no excuse since there are many ways of facial hair removal.



The swiftest and easiest way to eliminate the facial hair is by shaving them. However, shaving is not a recommended technique for women of getting rid of the facial hair since they have a habit of growing back as fast and thicker after they are shaved. But in case you insist on doing the shaving then use a sharp razor and a shaving cream from This will dampen razor burns that are slightly more unsightly as compared to facial hair.



Waxing your hair is one alternative. Waxing can be done by using either hot or cold wax. Waxing is likely to be painful especially when you do it for the first time; however, it removes the hair that will be away for about six weeks. You can either wax your hair at home or have it done by a service provider at a salon. In case you are not sure of how it is done, it is advisable to have it done a professional. You can observe how they do it and in that way you can obtain some more excellent ideas once you try to do it on your own. Keep in mind that waxing method cannot be applied to sensitive skin because it can irritate the skin. Get beard scissors here!


Plucking and threading

Threading and plucking are done using the same principles. Plucking is the removal of hair by use of a pair of tweezers. Threading, in the meantime, is removing the facial hair using a piece of thread. Plucking is something that can be done by the person herself, whereas threading is recommended to be done by experts. Plucking and threading are the same; only that threading is fast, less painful and gives out neater results.


In case you are willing to acquire permanent results, electrolysis, as well as laser, is the best alternatives. These two processes are costly but will offer the best results. Electrolysis is done through the insertion of a tiny needle inside the hair follicles. The follicles are then destroyed using the heat or chemicals. In the meantime, laser hair removal is done by killing the hair follicles using the laser. A laser is best when used for light-skinned women with dark hair. In case you have the intention to apply any of the procedures, ensure that it is done in a reliable treatment centre. For more facts and information about facial hair removal, go to

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